Products Chosen to be as Close to Mother Nature as Possible

We have a passion for research. So when an influencer recommends a product, we don’t rush to put out the cheapest, watered down version just to cash in. We find the highest quality version we can – as close to mother nature as we can — the one that’s most likely to work the way you expect.

Anything recommended on this site must:

  • First & Foremost, Have No Chemical Processing!
  • Be manufactured here in America in a cGMP & FDA Registered Facility
  • Use only the highest quality ingredients
  • Raw ingredients and finished products must pass independent 3rd Party lab testing
  • Most importantly, the dosage and strength must line up with that used in studies to get the desired results

All too often, we’re the only place these quality products can be found. Because you get what you pay for, and most other companies just want to maximize profit.

What Are Research Geeks?

We're a rag tag group made up of people just like you. Who got tired of being pressured and being disappointed when it came to trying to live healthy.

We came together around a simple concept: There has to be an easier way. Can we not do better things for our bodies, be healthiER without having to become obsessed? After all, most of us live in the real world.

We have meetings to go to. Jobs to hold down, bills to pay. Family obligations. We have... you know, stuff to do... Sure it would be nice to exist on nothing but local organic food painstakingly cooked every meal... but most of us just don't have time for that, at least not every day.

So now, we research. This site was created around the idea that there are products that can help us be healthier. Since we can't always eat the best, and sometimes we can't exercise as much as we'd like, supplements can help fill in some of the cracks.

A Safer Place To Shop

One thing we NEVER EVER do is automatically ship products. When you order from us, you’re ordering what’s in your cart and NOTHING ELSE.

No unexpected charges or shipments just showing up.

... and we will never sell your information to other companies. You don't have to worry about getting solicitations and phone calls from every other supplement company trying to sell you something, we value our relationship WAY TOO MUCH to violate your privacy that way.

Plus: An Unprecedented 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Unlike other vitamin retailers, you have two whole months to try out your purchases from us. At any time during those months, if you’re unhappy for any reason, send whatever is left (even an empty bottle) back for a full refund. We won’t ask questions, we won’t require some “authorization number” – we won’t make you jump through any hoops at all. We’ll just refund your money.

That is what Research Geeks is all about!